There are very few people that know the origins of Mr. Lightning. It all started back in middle school; 7th grade to be precise. Two old friends, Brandon and Joe (who sadly I don't talk to much anymore) made up a few random characters for a few different projects in Health class. These five character became what was known as The Unfamous 5. Since I was pegged as the artistic one, I was coerced into make a short comic about these guys. I intentionally meant it to be a one time thing; just a short 5-6 page one-shot comic but I had so much fun with it that I decided to continue.
As for the actual plot of the comic, it basically centered on the Unfamous 5, a ragtag team of very dumb superheroes with even dumber supervillains to fight. I have the whole rouges gallery drawn on a single page somewhere.
Over the next year or so, we gathered more people and started adding more characters to the team, reaching 10 team members at one point (we made a joke in the comic about this). Through 7th and 8th grade, I managed to crank out 24 ill-concieved issues of the series. Seriously, I just made the plot up as I drew. There was absolutely no planning to this thing at all but we were middle schoolers so we all thought it was hilarious. What was even funnier, to me at least, was that we actually had a voice cast, as if we would some day make the comic into a cartoon. Everyone had a part and it was cool for a while.
There was plans to go even further with it. I had plotted out another 2 seasons (12 issues to a seasons; it was just easier to think that way) and two "movie" comics. Unfortunately, after middle school, the old gang kind of split up so my motivation for continuing kind of dwindled. Though recently, I've been thinking that if I ever get off my lazy ass and start a webcomic, I should just reboot Unfamous 5. I already know the characters really well and I can reuse/expand some of the old plots and make it something decent. I dunno, I could just be talking out my ass again.
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