Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Day 68: Pendleton Ward
Pendleton is the creator of my current obsession, Adventure Time. It's such a fun and cleverly written show. Also, Pen's crazy beard is pretty amazing. I don't think I've capture it true to life. I am ashamed. Hah, I should also love to work under Pen after college.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Day 67: JG Quintel
Taking a break for my own characters to draw a few personal heroes of mine. JG created a little show you might know as Regular Show. I was absolutely floored by how amazing this show was then it first came on and it just gets better every week. JG just has this sense of humor that clicks with me in the best way. If there is any justice in this world, I hope to have the honor of working under him when I get out of college.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Day 66: Miley and Kate
Miley (left) and Kate (right) are two sisters who like to get into mischief. The girls have the ability to summon up paint cans and change the coloring of just anything, be it buildings or people. They love to just pop up and swap the colors of things. They don't do it to cause trouble. To them, their recolors are for the best. Otherwise, they're really sweet kids. Oh, and they can fly.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Day 65: Heat
Friday, May 27, 2011
Day 64: Katherine
Katherine is, what medical experts have defined as "mentally insane". She is a brilliant scientist/inventor but has a severe case of ADHD, causing her to constantly act crazy. Katherine talks so fast that it's kind of hard understand and will seem to be talking about 5 different things at once. However, whenever she can focus for longer than 10 seconds, Katherine can create some amazing stuff, like a big plasma cannon or some miracle cure for some disease. She also lives with her little brother and an alien. Dr. Braindroid hates her for some reason I haven't fully decided on yet. There is something that happens when she actually takes her medication but we'll save that for another day.
Day 63: Matty and Guartok
Sorry, kind of forgot to update yesterday.
Matty Wilkins is...well, he's afraid of his own shadow. Let's put it that way. After his parents decided he needed to get out in the world, they sent him to live with his grandfather in the town of Garakuta (I really should draw up some sort of map of Toonworld). Matty's grandfather lives in an old, rundown dojo (Garakuta is a very Japanese-inspired town) and there's a lot of odd characters who hang around there. Matty deals with these oddballs on a daily basis and tries not to piss himself.
That little psycho-thing next to Matty is Guartok. After arriving in Garakuta, Matty's grandfather gave Guartok to Matty, I guess thinking he was a dog or something. Guartok is actually a demon monster and has a thirst for blood. He can also shoot blasts of energy from his mouth! Guartok doesn't care for Matty at all and tells him so whenever given the opportunity (yes, he can talk). Despite that, Guartok will usually save Matty when he gets himself into a bad situation.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Day 62: Dr. Storm
In honor of the hail storm that decided to pop into town today, he's another weather-related character. Dr. Storm is actually Super Storm's father. He's the stereotypical supervillian; take over the city and what have you. His powers are channeled through a wand his carries around. He gave Super Storm her weather powers when she was little, in hopes of having a partner in crime. She ended up rebelling against Dr. Storm and became a superhero instead. You have no idea how much family tension this has caused.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Day 61: Psycho-Boy
Once again, an Unfamous 5 character. Psycho-Boy was Mr. Lightning's best friend in the comic. He has psychic powers but just the "able to levitate stuff" kind of psychic powers. I liked how PB and Lightning were paired. Lightning used to be kind of dimwitted while PB was the more sarcastic douche. They made a good team. Also, he was constantly trying to impress Super Storm, who obviously didn't like him at all.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Day 60: Murdock
Murdock is...or, was the only other human crew member on Captain Deadbeard's ship. He's kind of like Allison's sidekick but is more like her best friend. Murdock is very adventurous and it gets him into trouble often. He's always looking for something exciting to do, whether it's a sword fight or searching for treasure. After mutinying with Allison, she and Murdock go off on their own adventures, doing whatever it is pirates do.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Day 59: Holly
Holly's a 20-something girl from Suburbantown, a boring little town a little outside Toonopolis. She's in a band and ventures into the city frequently to play shows. Holly is a pretty cool chick. She's smart, witty but can be a bit crass sometimes. When she's not playing shows, she's usually with her idiot boyfriend Gene. She's constantly frustrated with him and his friend, Jerry.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Day 58: Jesus
With the Rapture today (hah), I felt it appropriate to draw Jesus today. This is one of the few [Sketchpad] characters I'm pretty sure wouldn't be allowed in the show, if I ever get it made. In the toon universe, Jesus isn't a religious icon. He hosts a late-night talk show with his sidekick, Buddha. Yeah...sacrilege!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Day 57: The Whale
This Craven's pet whale. He lives in a cave at the bottom of the cliff Craven's mansion sits on. The Whale doesn't do much except sit in his cave and occasionally goes out for a swim. Hell, Craven didn't even give the poor guy a name. He's just Whale. Whale doesn't seem to mind though. He's content with how things are.
Day 56: Ishboo
Apologies for this not being up last night. I was dealing with a debilitating migraine.
Ishboo was introduced later in the Unfamous 5 storyline. A little bit of spoilers here, Ishboo started out as a good guy but later on, his alliance became...questionable, I guess. Anyway, from what I remember about this guy is that he can manipulate technology and shoot "digital beams" (whatever that means).
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Day 55: Deren
If Eyeman is Boggar's right hand man, then Deren is his left. He's kind of the muscle of the group. Deren is pretty cocky and easily aggravated. I kind of like him because of his powers. Deren can roll up into a ball and ram into things or shoot spikes from his back and lift object 6x his own weight (which is already pretty heavy).
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 54: Dennis
Rounding off the diner staff, here's Dennis. He's still in high school and works as the bus boy/dishwasher at Gus' Diner. Dennis isn't very enthusiastic about his job and gets annoyed when people come into the diner (it means more work for him). He finds just about any excuse to slack off, causing Gus to get on his case a lot. Dennis does have a soft spot for Jenny and is generally willing to help her out, albeit begrudgingly.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Day 53: Gus
I've made a few mentions to Gus' Diner on a few blog posts so I figured I should draw Gus finally. As you can probably guess, Gus owns the diner and is Jenny's boss. Despite his gruff appearance, Gus is actually a really nice guy and dishes out not only quality food but pretty good worldly wisdom whenever his customers are having a crisis. He's very stern but fair with employees and treats Jenny like family. Gus is also the fry cook of his restaurant.
The diner isn't very well know but has a pretty loyal customer base. Domino's gang and a lot of the side-characters pop up at the diner for a bite and is generally a meeting place for everyone.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Day 52: Sanderson
Day 51: Rodolfo
Sorry I've been getting behind this week. Been busy with the job hunt.
Anyway, I don't really know what I want to do with this guy. He may just end up being another random monster in [Sketchpad]. I just like drawing him since he's kinda creepy-looking (ya know, with the whole "teeth on the outside" thing).
Friday, May 13, 2011
Day 50: Moonside
I've done plenty of supervillains from [Sketchpad] so instead, here's one of the many giant monsters! Moonside (named after a level from Earthbound, one of my favorite video games) lives inside the moon and can only be summoned through an ancient ritual. He's about 100 ft. tall and made entirely of moon crystal. Moonside can absorb other peoples powers with the orb on his tail. He traps them inside the orb and sucks the power right out them to power his moonbeam powers. So yeah, he's a pretty scary dude.
Day 49: Eyeman
This would have been up last night but Blogger decided it was gonna do maintenance up until a little while ago. Anyway, Eyeman is the right hand man of Boggar. Since I've recently decided to try and work Boggar into an anti-hero, rather than a villain, I might have to rework Eyeman here as well. What I definitely know about this dude is that he is incredibly intelligent, reading several books a day (ya know, because of all the eyes).
Day 48: Mayor Turtle
Ok, so, somehow this entry got deleted. I'll try to rewrite it best I can remember.
Mayor Turtle is one of the biggest nonsense characters I have. He is the mayor of Toonopolis (the big hub city in [Sketchpad]). Somehow, this little guy got elected to office and does a pretty good job of it apparently. He doesn't do anything but stand there, blink and make an occasional "meh" noise. Mayor Turtle baffles the human characters because while he does nothing, the toon characters can understand him perfectly fine. They'll have full conversations with him while he just sits there.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Day 47: Craven Crawvan
Upon reflection, I realized that Craven actually predates The Unfamous 5. Craven was part of a series of short stories and comics we made on sticky-note pads in 6th grade. The stories were retarded as hell but I kind of wish I still had them.
Anyway, Craven is 8 years old (I think) and lives by himself in a mansion on a cliff in the suburb of Doog. Craven is accustomed to extreme violence and property damage and generally doesn't care about the consequences of the insane stuff he and his friends do. He also has a pet whale that lives in a cave at the bottom of the cliff. Craven is generally a great disturbance to the town of Doog, especially Hoagie, who happens to be Craven's archenemy and neighbor. However, since Craven is the richest person in Doog, no one is really able to do anything about his antics. This is not to say Craven is evil but he's not really good either. He pretty much does whatever he wants.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Day 46: Conrad Fuego
Like Mog and Tasuri, Conrad is a city licensed hero. However, unlike a lot of heroes, Conrad prefers to work on his own. He is considered one of the best and many of the other heroes look up to him...or rather, down? Conrad usually walks around in his poncho but will expose his body during a fight. The hole in his torso is able to generate immense fire blasts. Conrad also wears a half-mask, as half of his face is disfigured. Personality-wise, Conrad is very much a loner. He's very quiet and apathetic. He doesn't see himself in the same light everyone else does and just wants to keep doing good for the city.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Day 45: Walker Cobb
Spoilers ensue. Walker works...or rather, worked for the Warden of the Toonopolis Penitentiary as the head prison guard. Sometime after he's introduced, I plan to have him fired from that job and become a bounty hunter. It'll have something to do with Domino and the gang but not sure what yet. As for personality, Walker is very authoritative; he hates when people disobey his orders. He also speaks with a southern drawl.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Day 44: Maestro
Phew! Ok, caught up now.
So, I went and saw my friends Marley and Ariel's brother, Devon in a musical tonight. It was kinda weird being at my old high school. Anyway, I figured tonight was a good opportunity to introduce my music-based character. All Maestro wants is for people the watch his thousands of musicals he's written but unfortunately for him, no producer thinks they're any good. It's kind of a good thing because Maestro has the ability to hypnotize people with his lyrics.
I haven't figured out how yet but I know I want to do something along the lines of Marley meets Maestro and he turns her life into a musical. While Marley loves it, Maestro is using her for his own sinister plans. I figured it'd give me an excuse to do a musical episode if [Sketchpad].
Day 43: Cpt. Deadbeard
Sometime in the first season of [Sketchpad], I plan to introduce Deadbeard. He commands a living ship named Lily (it's got arms and legs and everything!) and a legion of zombie pirates. Allison in her first appearance is Deadbeard's first mate but during the episode will mutiny against the captain since he's kind of a dick. Essentially, Deadbeard is very cold, unforgiving and will strike down anyone who shows the slightest hint of disobedience.
Day 42: Gato
I drew this the day I came home from college. In real life, Gato is my cat. Yeah, real imaginative name. Anyway, I love my cat. He's very dumb but very nonjudgmental. The way I draw him isn't a very good representation but his fur pattern is too hard to draw so I simplified it. He used to appear in the old JD Bear comics and part of trio with JD Bear and Rocky. They'd go off on adventures and stuff. Dunno how he'll appear in [Sketchpad]. I'll figure something out.
Day 41: Super Storm
Super Storm harkens back to the days of The Unfamous 5. After the team helps her defeat her archenemy, Galaxia, she joins the Unfamous 5 as a regular member. She has the power over weather-related stuff. She can summon lightning bolts, conjure tornadoes and stuff like that. She's very strong and independent. Storm is also Mr. Lightning's kinda-sorta girlfriend.
Day 40: Redvolt
Apologies for the lack of entries as of late. It's been a little hectic this past week, what with exams and moving back home. The next few entries will be me playing catch-up.
Anyway, Redvolt is the first supervillain Domino fights after arriving in Toonworld. Redvolt is very arrogant and occasionally speaks in the third person. I'm still fleshing the rest of him out but I'd like him to be a reoccurring villain.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Day 39: Jenny
Jenny is one of those side characters in [Sketchpad] that I just love for no discernible reason. In the show, Jenny work's at Gus' Diner, a little join the Domino gang frequents. She's a really sweet, sociable girl and enjoys her job. She's been working a Gus' Diner for a little while and is working her way through college. Jeff has a pretty obvious crush on Jenny.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Day 38: Eimaj
Spoilers ensue.
Sometime in the second season of [Sketchpad], I plan to introduce this character. Essentially, after countless defeats by Domino's gang, Blade somehow creates a clone of Domino. Blade's goal was to create a better version of Domino, in order to take him and his friends down. Unfortunately, the clone's creation process was interrupted towards the end and he went rouge. Eimaj refused to listen to Blade, stole one of his weapons (that gold gauntlet on his left left arm holds a purple energy blade) and ran off.
Eimaj does hold some animosity towards Domino, mostly because he feels he has to assert his dominance as the better version. Being a human/toon hybrid, Eimaj does have some powers. His most prominent ability is teleportation. Personality-wise, Eimaj isn't really evil but he isn't good either. He pretty much does whatever he wants. Eimaj is generally apathetic towards a lot of things and doesn't see much point in companionship.
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